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In Libertex, we add fees, commissions, and rollover to the current P/L. This means, when you have just opened a trade, any fees etc will be reflected immediatley.

The first thing that should be understood is that any operation takes time to execute.

How to determine the cause of difficulty and eliminate it?

To calculate your profit or loss for a Long trade, please use the following formula:


PL = S * M * ( Ec / E0 – 1 ) – C , where:

To calculate your profit or loss for a Long trade, please use the following formula:


PL = S * M * ( Ec / E0 – 1 ) – C , where:


PL is your profit or loss

A future contract carries an obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset in a determined  time in the future, at a price set today.

When you trade via Libertex, the amount you invested in your transactions is reserved as margin.


Here are a few possible reasons:

 - The contract in question has expired.

To complain on a transaction you have made on your live account, in case you believe it has been executed or processed inc